we're preparing our St. Vincent volcanic eruption response to help animals in need. can you join?

we're preparing our St. Vincent volcanic eruption response to help animals in need. can you join?

St. Vincent, April 2019

St. Vincent, April 2019

On 9 April, the La Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent started erupting, forcing more than 16,000 people to evacuate. Ash, rock and toxic gases continue to be released, creating hazardous conditions across the entire region.

While human relief agencies are helping people, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is in constant contact with local partners and we are gearing up to provide much-needed supplies and assistance. Your gift could help animals in need:

  • $150 could help provide water tanks and fresh drinking water for animals
  • $100 could help treat an injured animal rescued from the red zone
  • $50 could help feed animals in temporary shelters

Your donation will be the gift of life to animals in need, in St. Vincent and globally. Please donate today.

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Minimum payment $2.00.
Minimum payment $2.00.

Gifts in Wills

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To qualify for Gift Aid you must be a UK taxpayer. If you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in any tax year it is your responsibility to pay the difference

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Your generosity supports fresh thinking and bold action for animals around the world. We will put it to use where it’s needed most.

Can we help?

Email Support at info-uk@ifaw.org or call 020 7587 6700

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