Help stock our mobile rescue clinic and save the lives of stranded dolphins: Make 2x the impact for animals worldwide with a matched gift

Help stock our mobile rescue clinic and save the lives of stranded dolphins: Make 2x the impact for animals worldwide with a matched gift today >>

A dolphin is transported down a slope on the beach as ten Atlantic white-sided dolphins are released off Herring Cove Beach.Anita Yankova / © IFAW, Activities conducted under a federal stranding agreement between IFAW and NMFS under the MMPA.

A dolphin is transported down a slope on the beach as ten Atlantic white-sided dolphins are released off Herring Cove Beach.Anita Yankova / © IFAW, Activities conducted under a federal stranding agreement between IFAW and NMFS under the MMPA.

Make a matched gift today to help IFAW rescue stranded or entangled marine mammals like dolphins and protect animals around the world.

Your gift today will be matched and could provide…

  • 2x the dolphin stretchers for the journey back to freedom
  • 2X dry suits and life jackets for our rescue team and volunteers
  • 2x the blood-analysis kits and IV bags to deliver vital treatment
  • 2x the heart rate monitors to assess the health of dolphins and porpoises
  • 2x the satellite tags to monitor released dolphins

Please step up and help us protect our oceans and marine life on Cape Cod and around the world. Make your matched gift today and help vulnerable animals worldwide.

Select Amount
Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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You can change or cancel your monthly donation at any time online. If you require assistance canceling your monthly donation simply email or call us at: 1 800 00 IFAW. Please allow 10 business days for the cancellation of your monthly donation.

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Your generosity supports fresh thinking and bold action for animals around the world. We will put it to use where it’s needed most.

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