Double your impact to save the last 25 Big Tuskers! Please donate now >>

Double your impact to save the last 25 Big Tuskers! Please donate now >>

We can’t let them disappear. Please help. Photo © Donal Boyd

We can’t let them disappear. Please help. Photo © Donal Boyd

Africa's most iconic elephants—the last Big Tuskers—could disappear forever unless we act NOW. With an estimated 25 remaining in Kenya's Amboseli landscape due to the recent killing spree of 5 Big Tuskers near the Tanzania/Kenya border, it is critical we save them.

This is so urgent that a generous IFAW supporter, Dr. Michael Hutchins’ Impact on Wildlife Fund, will match all donations up to $25,000. Your gift could be doubled for 2x the impact!

Your Save the Last Big Tuskers gift today could help…

  • Secure and connect critical habitats across Southern and East Africa so elephants can roam freely and safely across borders.
  • Engage communities and convince governments to work with us to protect Big Tuskers and all African wildlife in need.
  • Animals everywhere IFAW works!

Please make your gift to Save the Last Big Tuskers and help all animals around the world who need you now >>

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Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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IFAW has chosen to be a non-profit organization instead of a Canadian registered charity so that we can engage in political activity to protect animals. As a Canadian non-profit organization, IFAW is not permitted to issue charitable tax receipts.

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