Celebrate Giving Day for Elephants: Donate now

Celebrate Giving Day for Elephants:
Donate now

Naudé Heunis / © IFAW

Naudé Heunis / © IFAW

African elephants are in trouble. Between climate change, loss of biodiversity, and habitat fragmentation, populations of this gentle and intelligent species are declining in many regions. We need to take urgent action to save this endangered species.

That’s why we’re counting on you to step up and help us protect elephants and other animals around the world.

Your gift today could help…

  • Connect protected lands so that elephants can roam free and safe.
  • Find sustainable solutions to reduce conflict over resources between people and animals
  • Fund rapid response ranger teams to reduce poaching and protect wildlife

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Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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Your generosity supports fresh thinking and bold action for animals around the world. We will put it to use where it’s needed most.

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