Hundreds of dolphins trapped in the Brazilian Amazon need your help. Donate now >>

Hundreds of dolphins trapped in the Brazilian Amazon need your help. Donate now >>

Photo: Bruno Kelly/Reuters

Photo: Bruno Kelly/Reuters

In the depths of the Amazon rainforest, endangered dolphins are in crisis as Lake Téfé faces historic drought and heightened water temperatures. At least 140 dolphins have been found dead, with hundreds more trapped in the shallow, overheated waters.

Local teams are working urgently and have called on IFAW for our expertise. Our dedicated marine mammal experts have deployed, and we need your urgent help.

Your support will provide the resources for vital rescue efforts, from stretchers to satellite tags, and so much more. Every dollar you contribute will be put to work saving these incredible animals and others that need you.

Time is running out to save those already endangered species. Your immediate action is crucial in ensuring the survival of these extraordinary Amazon and Tucuxi dolphins. Please make a gift today to help our dedicated team rescue these dolphins and respond to animals in need of rescue all over the world.

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